Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Camp Michindoh Day 2

It's about 10 o'clock and the lights are out at Camp Michindoh.  Today was a very busy day and we had so much fun.  We visited many classes, played many games, and ate some really great food.  Breakfast was some yummy eggs and bacon - we still had some Piggy Waste though. 

Some of the classes I got to visit this morning were Low Challenge Course (working on teamwork), Drama class, and rock climbing.  I was very proud of so many of our students today on the rock wall.  Even when they were ready to give up, they pushed on and reached the top!  

For lunch we had some yummy sandwiches and soup!  Still had piggy waste though... DOWN that's the way to get down!  After lunch I followed one of the tribes to the Outdoor Living Skills class.  They learned how to build a shelter and start a fire!  

Tonight was the best though.  We all (yes, even the teachers and Mr. Pechaitis) had to put on a skit to share with the rest of the group.  They were hysterical!  Way to go fifth graders.  I was very impressed.  Tomorrow night will be the famous square dance - Yee Haw! 

Low Challenge Course - getting from one platform to the next.

Abby climbing the rock wall. 

Liz climbing the rock wall. 

Shelter Building skills 

Taylor created fire! 

Jalen and Trey lowering the flag. 


Mindy Jordan said...

WAy to go Taylor - creating fire! We will see this summer when we camp if you can put those skills to work:) Have fun.
Rock wall looks cool wish I had one for our gym classes to use at Madison!

Anonymous said...

5th Graders ~ wear those snow pants to help keep your clothes dry and assist with keeping you from getting too cold from the cold, wet ground:)

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like you're all having a blast!! Can't wait to see all the pictures and maybe even a video of Ms. Metevia doing a skit... ;)
Ms. Metevia's Sister

aprilhodges75 said...

I love these pictures!! How did I know Seth would be building a shelter :)I can't wait to hear all about camp!!!

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