Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's almost time for....

Fifth Grade Camp! 

We leave Tuesday morning around 9 and we won't be back until Friday around 3pm.  We have so many fun things planned for you that the time will fly by!  We're going to have a square dance, sing camp fire songs, learn about Michigan Settlers, practice team building activities, hold weird slimy animals and so much more!  I hope you're all getting as excited as I am! 

As for those of you not lucky enough to join us - you can follow our daily activities here on the blog!  Each night when the fifth graders collapse into bed, I will write a brief entry about our day's activities.  I can promise these entries will include pictures and possibly videos too!  Feel free to leave comments and I will pass them on to your students!  

Thank you for sharing your children with me as we head to camp - I hope it's an experience they'll never forget!  

Ms. Metevia 

Fifth Grade Camp (Feb. 2011)


Mindy Jordan said...

Have a blast 5th graders!! I never got to go to camp when I was a kid so hope you all enjoy every minute:)

Vickie Raburn said...

Have a great time 5th graders, how lucky you are to go and have such great weather this year! Can't wait to hear all about your time at camp!

Mrs. Raburn

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